Monday, April 30, 2012

done with final!....almost

This is my blog. I have not structure for it right now. But here's what you can expect

  • random thoughts and lots of processing about what is happening to me
  • lots of pictures
  • maybe a few videos
  • lots of bullet points
  • prayer requests and answers to prayer
Thanks for joining me on this journey vicariously through the internet. It means a lot to me to know that hopefully people out there are actually reading this because they care about me. It will help keep me sane for the next 3 months.

I just finished my History of Economic Thought final and I am almost home free. Spanish is tomorrow, but it is going to be a breeze. This has been a fiendish semester. I wrote over 100 pages of papers (106 to be exact). I have never written, studied, and researched this much in my life.

This week is what I am considering to be the beginning of my internship. My priorities in life are switching from school to internship prep. I have a lot to pack, learn, think about, emotionally prepare for, pray about, etc. I am so excited, but I'm also pretty scared. I haven't heard back from CCT (Center for Community Transformation, the organization I am going to be working with) really about any of the details of my internship. So I still don't know: where I am going to be living, what exactly I am going to be doing, whether there will be any Americans there at all, how I am going to get around, whether I am going to have a translator, whattheheckishappening. So that is somewhat stressful. But it is good. That is what com dev internships are for. Learning to tolerate ambiguity and deal with cultural adaption. God will provide and I will learn to trust in him more. In the end, this is really the only thing that matters.

I'm not gonna overload my first blog post. So I'll just leave you with this video about a cemetery in Manila (the capital of the Philippines)

Above and Below from Stefan Werc on Vimeo.

Prayer requests:

  • I would be able to raise all my support
  • I would prepare emotionally and spiritually for this big change
  • I would hear back from CCT and HOPE about details
  • I would rest in Christ and know that He is my only hope for success
  • Parting with friends and loved ones would go well
  • I would get better from this sickness that has been hanging on for the last week
Prayers answered:

  • Heard back from HOPE and CCT and was able to buy my plane tickets (I AM going for sure)
  • Finished all my work for the semester and am still alive
  • Still want to go and am not freaking out yet

1 comment:

Tammy Schutt said...

Re. Video. Very powerful.
We've been told that often these grave sites are rented for a set period of time and families must later decide what to do with their loved ones. It's a real tough situation.
Re. Trip to Manila
Don't freak out... you will fall in love with the place and the people! :)

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