Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Philippines update: the Leadership Summit in Amish country


I am excited. And I had lots of coffee. Tomorrow I will be boarding a plane to go to Lancaster, Pennsylvania to attend HOPE's annual Leadership Summit (this includes the Celebrating HOPE dinner, which is open to anyone). This summit is where all the HOPE leadership from 16 different countries comes together for training, discussion and other such organizational things (I actually am not sure what it is yet). Most importantly, this summit acts as an orientation for all the HOPE interns. Half of these interns will be staying in Lancaster, PA to work at HOPE's headquarters. The rest will go out to the four corners of the earth. I, being the only one going to the Philippines, am quite excited.

A lot has developed (pun intended) since my last blog post. I have talked to a former HOPE intern who was very helpful in preparing me for what awaits in the Philippines (thanks Walt!). Most importantly, I have some things to report about fundraising:

  • I found out that I am 67% of the way to my fundraising goal!
  • I don't need to have all my funds raised until the end of the internship. Sorry to everyone who got a letter saying there was an early May deadline. I thought I would have to have the money before I left.
  • I am still on track and HOPE says I am doing well with the fundraising.
  • MY GOAL: raise all the money before I leave so that I don't have to worry about it while on the other side of the world.

Needless to say, if you want to give and haven't yet, please do. =) And to make it even easier, here's how:

Directions for online donations:
  • Go to www.hopeinternational.org and select the “Donate Now” green tab on the right-hand part of the screen.
  • Under “Allocate your Gift” select “Other.”
  • In the box beside “Other Gift Designation”, please type in “Intern: Josiah Meneghini”
    Directions for Donations through Mail:
Directions for mailed donations: 
  • Make checks payable to Joan Bauman, Donor Care Administrator, HOPE International. 
  • Mail check to:
Joan BaumanHOPE227 Granite Run Dr. Suite 250Lancaster, PA 17601
  • Write ‘Intern Donation – Josiah Meneghini’ in the memo line. 

As you may or may not know, microfinance is all about financial accountability. Therefore, if you have any questions about how all this money will be used (I need to raise a total of approximately $3,692), please email me or comment on this post and I will send you my budget.

Now back to fun stuff.

Here's a map of where CCT is:

View Larger Map

This is a picture taken from CCT's doorstep. It looks down the street on which the CCT headquarters are located (unfortunately, the great google has not street-mapped Manila yet):

This picture is taken a little ways down the road. Interesting fact: the colorful looking tuck/bus thing in the foreground is a common form of transportation called a jeepney. They are the most common form of transportation in the Philippines and can be very flamboyantly decorated. 

Prayer requests:
  • Again, safe travels.
  • Passion: For some reason, I am exhausted from the semester and need to be motivated and rested for this internship.
  • Vision: my work (I will explain it more fully in another blog post) is going to require a lot of vision, creativity, and experimentation. I do not have what it takes to do it... on my own. So pray that the Lord gives me the vision to do it.
Prayers answered/praise:
  • Money is coming in for the trip and the wrecked car has been replaced. He gives His children so many good gifts.
  • Goodbyes are almost over. Next comes hellos (that could be its own requests).
  • All packed. It all fits. And Delta gives me 2 free bags! Lots of room to bring presents back =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh hey! Stumbled across your blog on FB. The internship is here!! You said somewhere on your blog: "That is what com dev internships are for. Learning to tolerate ambiguity and deal with cultural adaption. God will provide and I will learn to trust in him more. In the end, this is really the only thing that matters." Don't ever forget that this whole summer, ok? You already know its going to be hard but God is with you and He never fails. Keep pushing into his grace more and more...for vision, creativity, innovation, guidance...He holds it all.

You know, I almost started working for HOPE in Rwanda?! But, instead I took a job with World Relief Rwanda. But, HOPE is great and I'm super excited for what God has in store for you this summer. Prayers will be coming from Rwanda! I know that God is going to do mighty things in your life this summer. He's awesome. We serve a great God, yeah?

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